Hearing aids and technology have changed dramatically over the last decade. Previously hearing aids were used and designed to amplify sound, all sound equally. However, depending on your surroundings, the volume could be adjusted to help out.

Over time changes were made to hearing aids. Hearing aids now are digital while previously they were analog. Hearing aids now have multiple programs to accommodate users in any type of listening situation, from quiet to loud to musical environments. Hearing aids even have programs to help individuals while talking on the phone. Here is a list of a couple settings that may be available to program into your hearing aid.

The normal or quiet setting on the hearing aid is the main program in each hearing aid. This feature is based on the audiogram of an individual to enhance a person’s hearing in everyday, normal use and environments.

The loud or noisy setting on a hearing aid is typically the second feature in each hearing aid. This program uses an individual’s audiogram, but is adjusted to make sound not so amplified. Through the use of directional microphones a person is able to hear the sound coming from the front of them more clearly and comfortably while having the background or noise behind them softens to allow proper focus.

A music setting on a hearing aid is an optional feature. In this program the user is able to listen to music at its highest quality. The hearing aid is programed to not mute the loud and sharp sounds that occur while listening to music and to allow it to be heard as a whole without any adjustments by the hearing aid to dampen certain sounds. 

The T-coil setting on a hearing aid is also an optional program. This feature is harder to find now due to hearing aids being digital, as well as home telephones, but some still use this feature depending on your home phone. This program uses the coils found in telephones to link to and help reduce feedback and optimize hearing on the phone. Many public places however, do have the t-coil option for those with hearing aids to link to so they may hear better such as in a church or public building.

Bluetooth setting on a hearing aid is another optional program, which is being used more and more with the increase pairing of digital electronic devices.  With Bluetooth technology a person is able to link their hearing aid to any other electronic device with Bluetooth making it easier for many to talk on their cell phone, listen to their home theater system or work on their computer at home or at the office.

These are the most used programs that are programmed into hearing aids; however, your hearing healthcare professional can help you better customize a setting for any specific activity.