Hearing affects many aspects of your life. When you hear well, so many other facets of your life are better. Here are the top five reasons to wear hearing aids.

Hearing aids restore intimacy

Sweet nothings murmured in the ear are nothing if they aren’t heard. Experts agree that communication is an important part of intimacy. If you aren’t communicating; intimacy suffers. You can’t communicate well if you can’t hear. 

Hearing aids improve your communication, helping restore intimacy and make you feel better about yourself. Those hearing aids just might be what you need to get your grove back.

Hearing aids make you look better

You don’t realize it, but when you are struggling to hear you frown. It’s a natural reaction. Don’t go around with a permanent frown. Besides the furrows and lines created by constant frowning; it’s not your best look. Don’t show the world your frowning face; show them your smiling face. When you aren’t worried about missing out on someone’s words, the stress disappears and the frown disappears with it.

That blank stare that comes over your face when you can’t follow a conversation will be erased when you can hear again. If hearing loss has caused you to become depressed, that will improve as well. When you feel good, you look good.

Hearing aids make you smart

Studies by the University of Pennsylvania have shown that hearing loss causes the auditory portion of the brain to atrophy. That’s not good. You want to hang on to all the brains you have!

Wearing hearing aids stimulates the auditory portion of the brain and keeps it active. You won’t worry about brain atrophy.

Besides, it’s smart to recognize you have a problem with hearing and take action!

Hearing aids improve relationships

Long distance relationships can become frayed if you have problems communicating on the phone.  Even video chatting is hard if you don’t hear well.

Wearing hearing aids helps with phone and video chat. Stay up to date with friends and family no matter how far away you live.

The people that you see on a regular basis will also respond more positively to you when you wear your hearing aids. Children’s voices will be easier to understand and conversation in noisy environments will be easier to follow. Sometimes if people don’t think they are being heard, they just stop talking. Don’t let that happen to you. Wear hearing aids and maintain full, rewarding relationships. 

Hearing aids help you hear better

If the previous 4 reasons aren’t enough motivation; consider this. Hearing aids help you hear better. Rediscover the sounds of the world around you.

Everyday life has a soundtrack .Don’t miss a minute of it. Wear hearing aids doesn’t mean you are old; its means you are smart enough to know that the world has many sounds and you are wise enough not to miss out on any of them.