Remember Goldilocks and the three bears? In this children’s story Goldilocks’ found the three bears’ porridge didn’t suit her because it was either too hot or too cold. Well, earwax can be a bit like that porridge, in that you need just the right amount for your ears to stay healthy. Too much wax and it’s liable to plug your ear canal; too little and this can lead to itchiness, discomfort, and infection. 

Why we need earwax

Earwax is deceptively clever stuff. It moisturizes the skin lining the ear canal, provides a barrier to bacteria, traps dust and dirt, and it also makes it way out of the ear to be ‘self-cleaning’.

This humble yellow stuff is made up of:

  • Cerumen: A wax-like substance
  • Sebum: An oily substance
  • Dead cells

Too much earwax

As with most things in life, you can have too much earwax. If your ear produces excessive amounts this can set you up for problems such as hearing loss because of the wax forming a plug within the ear canal.

If wax builds up and can’t move along as nature intended, then it acts as a nidus for infection, leading to hot, and painful ears. If you have narrow or hairy ear canals this can trap the wax and make a buildup more likely. So if your ears are hot, itchy, and uncomfortable, then you would be wise to think about cleaning your ears.

Cleaning the ears

If your hearing is affected then consult a hearing healthcare professional. They need to examine your ear to check that the problem is caused by wax buildup rather an issue with the hearing mechanisms of the ear. 

If the wax buildup is severe, having your ears professionally syringed is the best option to deal with the problem effectively but without traumatizing the ear canal or eardrum.

Never try to dislodge wax by pushing an object (such as a bobby pin or pen lid) down into the ear, as you may slip and perforate the eardrum. Likewise, cotton tips only serve to push the wax deeper into the canal and encourage impaction rather than relieve it.

Home routine

For routine cleaning at home use an ear cleaner drop once or twice a month. Doing so more often risks stripping the ear canal of its protective oils. If you feel the need to use a remedy between times then instill two to three drops of pure almond oil or olive oil into the ear, for no more than four to five consecutive days. This helps to soften the wax and allow it to travel up to the surface where you can wipe it away with a clean facecloth.

Keeping your ears clean and clear is of special benefit for hearing aid users, as the wax can plug the earmold or fine tubing. Therefore, it pays to attend to your ears once a month, to keep your hearing crisp and sharp.

If you think you need to clean your earwax, make sure to take the proper precautions at home to ensure you do not damage your ears or hearing. If earwax buildup is severe and impacting your hearing, do not be afraid to call your hearing care provider!